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AcuPulse CO2
in St Petersburg, FL

Acne Scar Revision remodels your skin’s structure

AcuPulse™ generates a narrow wavelength beam of light (energy) that is absorbed by the body tissue causing tissue evaporation, or ablation. The damaged skin is then replaced by healthy tissue through the body’s natural healing process.

The Ultimate Treatment For Your Acne Scars!

Lumenis® AcuPulse™ systems, was developed by the pioneer of aesthetic medicine and is trusted by leading professionals around the world. Dr C. can offer you amazing improvements in both the tone and the texture of your acne scars. Effective for different types of scars, such as shallow round or deep scars, Acne Scar Revision remodels your skin’s structure, stimulating it to regenerate itself.

AcuPulse CO2 in St. Petersburg, FL

Is it right for me?

Lumenis® CO2 laser procedures are not suitable for everyone, for example patients who have taken Accutane® (Isotretinoin) within the past 6-12 months, or had a history of keloid formation. Risks may include change of pigmentation, infection, redness, textural changes or scarring. Be sure to consult your physician regarding treatment options available and related contraindications and risks based on your individual concerns and medical history, before choosing a treatment.

AcuPulse CO2 Before and After Pictures St. Petersburg, FL

An example from Dr. Coundouriotis. He performed full face laser resurfacing on this patient.

AcuPulse CO2 Before and After Pictures St. Petersburg, FL
AcuPulse CO2 Before and After Pictures St. Petersburg, FL